Friday, February 05, 2021

A Growing Neighbourhood

After literally months of absence I finally made it back down to the sewing room to introduce myself to my machine and we had a wonderful time getting reacquainted. Top of the list are my yellow houses.

The negative blocks have been cut for ages so all I had to do was sit in and sew - it's incredible that it took me so long to get there, but seeing the results made up for that somewhat (and spending my time getting Candied Hexagons to the finish line and off the hoop was totally worth it). 

There's a few new prints in this batch which is making it fun to work on. They range from very geometric...

to soft and romantic.

It is quite incredible the difference that it made combining both positive and negative versions of this block, and thanks to all of you who nudged me in this direction - it's got so much more depth and interest, a completely different feel to it.

The plan is to add a few more blocks to the finished pile this weekend and take another look at the inspiration quilt to start figuring out the sawtooth border. Oh, and to come up with a better name than 'the house quilt' 😏....M


  1. Simply beautiful, Marie. I love the positive negative blocks...adds so much dimension.

  2. Isn't it great to be back sewing after a break. Oh I adore these blocks. You are so right - the positive/negative combo is so effective. And I love the yellow! A "house quilt" has been on my list for so so long. Maybe 2021 will be my year for it?

  3. Great colours & fabrics, Marie! I’ve seen a lot of “house” quilts, but none with all the window and chimney details. They’re so perfectly done! Mr. Rogers comes to my mind ... “It’s a Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood’!

  4. I love your golden houses! I have red and cream ones that are paper pieced and waiting to be sewn into a quilt. Mine finish at 8" but I was given a "challenge project" from Project Linus and I only had enough to make 15 houses. So I have been looking around to find out a way to set them and make them kid friendly. I am getting closer to working on my other blocks after I finish a few other projects. Love yours! K-

  5. The maple leaf block you wrote about in September inspired me to make a quilt full of them (just started working on the border) and now your house quilt might inspire me to make one of these too! Love the yellow and the combination of positive and negative. (
    Thank you!

  6. Beautiful and it reminds me of a wonderful children's book by Ann Jonas called Round Trip. The images are all in black and white and when you get to the end of the book you turn it upside down and the story continues with each image becoming something else. So creative!

  7. I LOVE what you're doing with these houses! Yes; the positive/negative thing is fabulous.

  8. The positive and negative house blocks are beautiful together. It makes an wonderful balanced design. You have an incredible assortment of yellow and golds.

  9. I have a hard time naming some of my quilts as well. I love this quilt with the negative/positive color!


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