Friday, October 30, 2020

Ghoul Friends

Halloween is just around the corner, so when I opened Jane's handmade card letting me know that she was so glad that we are 'ghoul friends' it seemed a good time to share a few 'spooky' projects that she, Linda, and I have been working on. 

We got together to swap fabrics and come up with a few hexie table toppers.

I'm not sure which was more fun - playing in everyone else's stash or seeing the toppers come together.

There were lots of different combinations and I found it interesting to see how they changed when they came together in the hexie.

Of course, with Jane and Linda both being speed demons, theirs came together quickly...

and are already hand quilted with a cobweb design, and ready to go.

Isn't this just the best backing?

I, on the other hand, brought mine home with good intentions thinking that several would be for the Holly Bazaar, but I never really found my mojo. It didn't help that I needed to turn my bazaar items around really quickly this year because of the new online format.

The layout we were following included sewing strip sets together, cutting 60 degree triangles and then alternating the two sets of triangles that are the result. For some reason, I just kept seeing a radioactive symbol when I laid mine out, so I sought expert advice from the Official Cookie Tester. He agreed.

I had prepped two sets of each strip set so I had enough triangles that I could just have all of my rings concentric. 

The long and the short of it is that I have six hexie toppers sewn together but none quilted. Ah well, maybe they will be the start of my 2021 Holly Bazaar making...

And here's one of Jane's scrappy endings. She used her trimmings to make a few sweet mug rugs; makes me smile. Aren't I lucky to have such creative ghoul friends? Happy Halloween everyone!....M


  1. These table toppers are dreadfully gorgeous! Love the spooky mug rug. ;^)

  2. Those are super cute. I even recognize some of the fabrics. Never say your behind. You're ahead for 2021.

  3. Your Halloween Hexi quilts are super cute! I bet it was really fun to play in each others stash. Always makes things more interesting.:)

  4. Too cute ... all of it! My Halloween plans went sideways ... maybe if I start now, I’ll be ready for next year!


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