Sunday, November 08, 2020


I'd be lying if I said that we haven't been glued to the US election news for the past couple of weeks. Now that it's over, we join millions around the world in their optimism for the President and Vice President Elect and congratulate them for finally putting a woman (and a woman of colour!) into high office. Things can suddenly be seen through a more positive lens - a perfect time to get back to some soothing hand quilting.

I'm hoping that between the morning talk shows and the afternoon football there will one or two more hexies finished up (assuming I don't get hijacked by washing windows....).

If memory serves me correctly, there are about eight pieced hexies left, so I will focus on them first. Then there will be several unpieced hexies to tackle, and finally the setting triangles. Hopefully there is no need for a recount 😉....M


  1. Thank you for the well wishes for our country! I too watched seemingly all day/night long for weeks. Such a relief - so happy about the outcome. Your hand quilting is just gorgeous!

  2. HAHA to the Hexie Recount!! Your hand quilting is looking fabulous, and I hope that you DO have enough hexies, just as I hope the desperate shenanigans of frivolous lawsuits and recounts amount to nothing. It must be so nice to be Canadian right now, watching the circus of American politics from a distance from a nation of decency!

  3. I live in the UK and was also glued. I stayed up to watch Trump's late night "speech" in the Press Room - in full as it wasn't cut here.

  4. I’ve only seen pieces of this beauty, Marie, and can’t wait to see the whole thing! I love the quilting you’ve done in the triangles! Your stitches are so tiny and even. One day I want to watch you quilt ... see if I can steal any tricks!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.