Monday, October 26, 2020

Holly Bazaar in a Hurry

Despite the pandemic restrictions the Holly Bazaar will go on but in a very modified form, so yesterday, thinking that I was ahead of the game, I finally got back to my sewing machine.

I pulled out a small bundle that I had bought from Linda's stash about a year ago - lush watermelons and a few coordinating prints - to make some placemats. 

Things went surprisingly well and I had lots of fun cutting and sewing flying geese. I even managed to get them quilted just before I rolled into bed last night. Needless to say, I thought I was doing great.

Then today I get an email advising that I had probably missed an earlier email and they need pics and details ASAP so that items can be promoted online. Yikes! Needless to say, tonight there will be some serious binding happening!!

Thank goodness the baking isn't due for a while...😀. 

Which reminds me - I made this delicious Upside-Down Pear Gingerbread Cake last week. To. Die. For. I always loved when mom made Gingerbread, probably in part because it was topped with whipped cream, and this one took me right back to to my youth. It is delicious, and probably best the day that it is baked (with whipped cream, of course), but we managed to choke down the leftovers a day or two later....M


  1. You always make such lovely items for your bazaar. I'm going to check out the gingerbread recipe. It's always a favorite of mine too. Thanks.

  2. Mmmm gingerbread cake. That's one of our family favorites to and this looks like such a special version.


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