Thursday, July 16, 2020

Too Much Time on Her Hands

Sandy couched her latest email to me with the title, 'Too much time on my hands!' From what I've seen, she's making excellent use of her time these days - those WIPs are just flying to the finish line! Like this beauty, for example. Remember she was so excited to get this fabric on sale last fall? Well, it has worked up beautifully in this pattern.

This is her machine-stitched quilt (she hand stitches most of her beauties) and apparently she has learned a lot along the way. All of the centre blocks are together (the top row is cropped off), so now she's 'dithering' about where to go from here. 

This is her first foray with Flying Geese and she's finding them more than a little addictive; they will become the border. And, she's got a basket full of HSTs to play with ... or not. The border will go together first and then she plans to lay it out to see what inspiration develops. She's predicting that she might be walking around this one for a bit!!!

And, a year after she and Ed moved into their new apartment, she picked up her beautiful hexie quilt to finish the quilting on it. I love the layout of this one. Usually hexies are laid in a vertical pattern, but with the diamonds placed horizontally you get a completely different look.

She's a little sad to have it finished up because the fabrics were so soft and lovely to stitch. The up side is that she and Ed now have another beautiful quilt to cuddle under. It's hand quilted and is 50" x 70", a size that the feels she will gravitate towards making more often. 

That's not all. Her autumn nine-patch is now sandwiched (her least favourite part of the process) and in hoop. Thankfully, the kitchen island was just long enough to lay it out to baste.  

The backing was bought on her way home from the cottage last September. Apparently she didn't plan for this quilt to be as large as it is so she didn't have enough fabric; time for a little digging in the stash. Happily, she found two more pieces that she had purchased at our local Stedmans on the day of my niece Julia’s wedding a few years ago that were just the ticket and gave her enough to put strips across the top and bottom of the back. Problem solved.

So, now she can enjoy quilting to her heart's content. Aren't those colours gorgeous? Me thinks that with so many projects moving over to the DONE column is won't be long before we get to see new projects from Sandy....M


  1. Way to go, Sandy. You rock, girl! Love your projects. I am so in love with your blue one. Gosh! That's something else. Just stupendous! Bravo!
    Thanks, Marie, for sharing. ;^)

  2. Sandy's projects are beautiful. The hexie quilt is lovely and such an accomplishment!

  3. Thanks ladies! It’s always a pleasure to be on Marie’s amazing blog! I find such inspiration from her creativity, and the work of others that she features. I’m so glad that I started this wonderful craft ... after many years of watching Marie, her family & friends stitch so peacefully at gatherings. It’s good for the soul ... especially in these uncertain time!

  4. Beautiful quilts. The hexies are wonderful in the unique layout. Using the kitchen island is a great way to get a quilt basted. Fabulous job, Sandy.

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