Sunday, July 12, 2020

I Think I'm Getting Close

Periodically I've been picking up a little hand stitching while sitting out on the deck and it's finally starting to pay off. I've just been stuffing finished segments for Minnie into my little black bag but when it overflowed I took it as a sign to press them and see where things stood. I couldn't believe how much came out of that little bag!

There are now several quite long setting triangles for the sides...

and I've just finished up the last round of one of the shorter setting triangles that will run across the top and bottom of the quilt.

Because I believe that I'm close to being able to lay everything out, I've been attempting to incorporate fabrics that I really love or maybe have been under represented in the quilt so far without having to head to the cutting board. 

I've got two more prepped and ready to finish up - this one with the purple polka dot border...

and this one with the blue. With any luck at all they will be finished this week and then I will give myself the luxury of seeing how everything looks together and what might be missing. Fun!...M


  1. I'm always in awe of those who can work with hexies, too fiddly for me and my fat fingers, I'm afraid. I bet you are pleased that this project is out of the bag and getting some attention again, it certainly looks a lovely project.

  2. Congratulations Marie. You are so close of getting a top. I admire the fact that you don't use paper for your hexies. I wonder if I would be able to pull that off. Guess I'll never know if I don't give it a try. ;^)

  3. Beautiful! Isn't it amazing how a few hours sewing can make such a difference? Your project is certainly off to a great start!

  4. Look at all those hexies. It will be exciting when you finally lay them out. You've showed a lot of self-control not to have done it already!!

  5. Your colors look lovely and blend together so very nicely.

  6. Gorgeous, Marie! I think you should share a pic with a loonie in it ... just to give us some scale on how small your hexies are! Love the colours!

  7. Gorgeous! I like Sandy's idea regarding scale.


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