Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Happy Canada Day!

Postage Stamp quilt
Wouldn't you just love to spend your Canada Day lounging here, sipping something cool as you stitch the day away? Sandy finished up her Postage Stamp beauty just in time. I can't believe that it's a quilt already! She started cutting her scraps into 1.5" squares at Christmas time thinking that it would be a project for years to come. 

Enter the novel coronavirus. In between making a couple hundred face masks for family and friends she has been happily stitching and watching Netflix - no worries about a particular pattern, just pick up a square and sew.

The huge variety of fabric was a fun walk down memory lane. She's not certain that there was a size in mind when she set out to make this quilt, but it finished off at 48" x 60" - that's 2,880 tiny squares! Apparently there are enough squares to make at least one more quilt, but not right now... 

For the backing, she stayed with the idea of the blocks but changed the scale (just a little 😉). Love it! And that scrappy border is just perfection.

Each square is quilted in the middle with several stitches, which is fun too and just reinforces the size of the tiny pieces when you look at it from the back. It reminds me of a tied quilt. Again, that's 2,880 squares; talk about patience!

There's lots and lots of puckering, and that's before it has been washed, so she's looking to enjoy even more texture after it's had a good soak. 

Our Canada Day will be spent on the deck as well. With everyone keeping to themselves it will be a bit quiet - no get togethers, no fireworks - but the Official Cookie Tester isn't letting that get in the way of his celebrations. He's donned his Made in Canada tee and has already enjoyed breakfast on the deck. It is a beautiful day so we plan to spend it lounging here, reading, stitching and enjoying the birds; maybe BBQ a few ribs. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Hope you have a wonderful day, too!...M


  1. The postage stamp quilt is so appealing, especially with the added texture of quilting! I've often thought to make one, but so time consuming....! Enjoy your weekend! We hope to be grilling here as well.:)

  2. What can you say about Sandy's quilt other than Wow! Your holiday was spent just about how we will be spending our holiday on the 4th, Just being thankful.


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