Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Closing in on a Decision

I've hinted at the speed bump that has crossed my path on my yellow houses and I think it's time to get some feedback. I've put a few blocks up on a small design wall just outside our bedroom and pass it several times a day thinking that the penny will drop, and I think that it's getting there. Slowly.

Let me start by saying that what I thought was my relatively good memory has failed me lately. I found this inspiration quilt online some time ago and loved it, but I only saved the image and totally missed tracking the quilter (if you recognize it, please let me know so that I can give credit where credit is due). I love the mix of yellows and its simplicity.

After having lost and found the image several times, I finally tracked it down for another look at the border. Two things. Notice anything about the blocks? All of the houses aren't yellow - half are white! And, in my mind's eye, the border was made of HSTs...
...as in THIS red and white version from Margaret Mew's Quilt Station blog. Sheesh, was I confused. Talk about partial recall.

So now the question becomes what to do about the blocks and the border. The yellow inspiration quilt is wonderfully graphic because it's all solids but I'm using a variety of yellow prints and the more I look at it, the more I think that if I make the negative version of the blocks in prints as well it just won't have the same impact, it will just become muddled. But take a look at the red version again - it's totally scrappy and works.

The border decision is easier. Once I saw the 'ribbon' border I knew that was going to be it, I just need to figure out the spacing so that the design works at the corners (the inspiration piece almost works, but not quite).

So what do you think? All yellow houses or a combination of positive and negative versions of the block? As I'm writing this I think that the answer is staring me in the face, but let me know what you think....M

p.s. BTW, can I get a round of applause? I think I've finally cracked the code of how to place images in the new Blogger. Yay!


  1. The positive-negative houses add so much dimension to the whole quilt and make it much more interesting, in mu opinion. Makes me want to make one, and I've never been intrigued by the house quilts previously. 2

  2. PS, wish google wouldn't keep autocorrecting back to my typing errors after I've fixed them, lol!

  3. Love them both, but the scrappy one makes me think of diversity in the neighbourhood. You know me ... I love scrappy! That ribbon border is fantastic! Good luck ... LOL!

  4. I think the mix of positive and negative makes for a much lovelier quilt. Hate to say it, but I think you need to make more blocks!

  5. I agree the rest of the comments, both positive and negative. I think the prints would work just fine. The yellows and creams make a beautiful two color quilt design.

  6. Jumping in to add agreement with everyone - the positive and negative really works...your eye travels around the quilt and yet creates something you want to look at each individual block. Really a lovely way to go! Love those beautifully warm shades of buttery yellow!!

  7. 👏👏👏 Excellent job on posting with the new blogger.
    I say go with what Marie does best. You said it yourself; they are "inspirational" pieces, not the "writing in stone pattern". Personally, I would go all scrappy yellow with negative and positives houses. I think it is the negatives vs positives that makes the quilts so graphic, not necessarily the fabric. Enjoy the dithering. ;^)

  8. I find the blocks which alternate with white houses give the quilt a more three dimensional effect. It's interesting that your houses face the opposite direction to those of the samples.The quilt reminds me of a little country village. Lovely.

  9. I think the negative and positive houses makes the quilt much more interesting than having all positive houses.

  10. You've probably already made your decision, but I adore the positive, negative effect. Whatever you decide, the yellow houses are just dreamy. Great choice of color!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.