Sunday, June 14, 2020

A Little Time to Think

I hit a bit of a speed bump on my yellow houses so I picked up Minnie in the hopes that a solution will present itself as I do a bit of hand stitching.

Several set-in triangles still need to be made so I set to work on finishing a couple. There's lots of hexies cut but somehow not necessarily the colours that I want or the quantity I need, so maybe it's time to dig into a few fabrics.

After a few iffy weather days it was really lovely to be able to sit on the deck and enjoy the sunshine.

And, since rhubarb is still in season, it seemed like a good day for Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble; I wasn't wrong.....M


  1. I just love the look of hexies. So pretty. I do love a rhubarb crumble. We had rhubarb and pear the other day, it was delicious.

  2. Switching projects always helps me, well, so would strawberry rhubarb crumble!

  3. lovely soft summery colors for your hexies - always nice to have some peaceful handwork at the ready - agree, it helps to step back from a little issue in a project to rethink.

  4. Such a lovely summery project!
    now my mouth is watering for some rhubarb!

  5. A little hand work can go a very long way in quilting.:)

  6. Your Minnie diamonds are so beautiful - love your color combinations so much. Yummmmmm summer dessert.


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