Sunday, June 07, 2020

A Little Gardening, A Little Stitching

My planters and herbs are finally prepped for the season. I was all set to plant a few weeks ago and then it got insufferably hot, followed by very, very cold, so things were delayed a bit, but today was the day. As is the way with gardening, there was weeding needed in a few beds as well so what started out as a quick project ended up taking most of the day. Ah well, it was a beautiful day to be outdoors.

Big plans to make a Rhubarb Torte for dinner got shelved because I ran out of time but after dinner I did find time to sit and turn under more EPP hexies for Anna Levens.

At times I find this step frustratingly slow but today I quite enjoyed it. It's been a while since I've done any hand stitching and it felt wonderful to pick up a needle.

I'm almost out of paper hexies which makes me think that I probably have enough to lay out another row of them and attach them to the flimsy. I love seeing it grow, even if it is slowly - sort of like my garden....M 


  1. I really enjoy hand piecing. It is good to have a long term hand piecing project on the go that you can just add to little by little.

  2. You worked in two gardens yesterday both with the slow steady pace that brings beautiful results.

  3. I stumbled upon your blog after googling “Martha Washington Grandmother’s Flower Garden” (which I’m planning to start soon) and have had a look at your blog. Love your projects!


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