Friday, June 05, 2020

Oh Happy Day!

A few weeks ago I opened a heart-wrenching email from Quiltmania. They were struggling to keep their doors open amid the operational challenges of these COVID-19 times and implored quilters that if there were books or magazines that they had been thinking about ordering, now was the time to do it; they were uncertain that they would survive.                                                                                                                I didn't need to be asked twice. I had a wish list so I quickly placed my order and then crossed my fingers. And then I forgot all about it, until a box arrived in yesterday's mail. I couldn't even remember what I had ordered so it took no time to tear into it. Oh happy day! Yoko Saito's Scrap Valley and Quilted and Embroidered  Floralies by Cecile Franconie of Facile Cecile fame. 
It's Yoko's cover quilt that I've been coveting in this book. 
All of those gorgeous dark-tipped stars combined with soft wreath of applique. It sets the mind to dreaming. How perfect that it is called Kindness.
I mean - seriously! Her use of colour is second to none.
If you love embellishments and haven't seen Cecile's blog, I would highly recommend that you take a few minutes to visit her. She stitches beautifully organic embellishments on all manner of interesting projects; you can spend hours exploring the layers and textures. I doubt that I will do much stitching like this, but it was just too beautiful to resist having this inspirational piece within arm's reach. 
This is the quilt that ultimately prompted the purchase. Hexies - surprise, surprise! That border proved to be too difficult to resist.
And the icing on the cake? This pretty little bundle of Anna Maria Horner fabrics was waiting for me as soon as I opened the box. Another thing to set the mind a-dreamin'.                                                                                                  There's more happy news, too. Quiltmania's latest email was a heartfelt thank you for all of the support that they have received from stitchers around the world; it looks like they are going to make it. Quilters are the best....M


  1. So you call this charity? ;)

    Can't wait to browse these jems.

  2. Lots of inspiration. Quiltmania's books are the best. Enjoy!

  3. Love Quiltmania book content. Have had such bad luck with the binding though and after a couple of them literally falling apart, quit buying them. You make me want to reconsider though!:)

  4. Those books look like you could just curl up in a chair for hours and dream Quiltmania publications - about the only ones I add to my library of quilting shelves. Did the same thing you did when I heard of their concerns about the company. Placed an order right away!


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