Saturday, May 30, 2020

House Arrest

#QuiltBee: fabric for yellow house quilt blocks
I'm happy to report that all of my Huddle blocks are now complete! Given that, you would expect that I would start sewing them together to make a flimsy, right? Nope. Instead, I have gone the way of the squirrel and started a new project.

#QuiltBee: yellow house quilt blocks
This project has been on my list for a few years now and with everyone still under pseudo 'house arrest' in these COVID-19 times it seemed sort of appropriate. To the top of the list it goes.

#QuiltBee: red Huddle quilt block
Besides, Halo is still occupying my design wall so I'd have to lay Huddle out on the floor - that just seemed like more than I wanted to do today.
Not sure if you know about Pandemic Chocolate Days or not so I'll fill you in (consider this a public service announcement...). My good friend Rhonda has been more than thoughtful throughout these days of social distancing. She lives about 5 hours away from me and every now and then a little note arrives in the mail with a cheery hello and an emergency ration of chocolate. Love it!

It is amazing how something so small can have a huge impact on my day; it certainly helped me get through the cutting 😊. Recently, I found little individually wrapped Dairy Milk bars so it's time to return the favour.

#QuiltBee: yellow house quilt block
It is rainy and cool today after a week of what felt like August, so down to the sewing room I went. I'm enjoying making these blocks more than I had anticipated - loving the dots too!....M


  1. All those yellow fabrics are so cheerful and your house block is delightful with all those pokadots. I think your newest squirrel project is going to be fun especially with chocolate involved.

  2. I’m obsessed with house blocks. Yours looks great.

  3. Oh, I love your yellow house block! The dotty fabric is very cheery. I can totally understand about having to move a project or having to lay something out on the floor being too much effort at the moment. I confess to keeping a small stash of chocolate in my quilting room. Sometimes it's just too much trouble to go downstairs to find a snack and I'm kind of afraid that if I wander downstairs in the middle of something I might just give up for the day. lol

  4. On June 24th 2012 you posted a Mary Englebrite quilt. I would love to know what the pattern is. Thanks!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.