Monday, August 10, 2020

Quilts of Comfort

April was the saddest of months in the province of Nova Scotia. Families who lost loved ones and first responders attempted to deal with the trauma of the horrific mass shooting that had visited their communities. Designer Andrea Tsang Jackson of Halifax spearheaded the effort of the Maritime Modern Quilt Guild to collect and distribute quilts to those affected; my sister Dori and her friend Alison joined quilters from across the nation in support of the effort.

In these times of COVID-19, getting out to shop was not an option so her quilt is made entirely from her stash.

It includes fabrics from three generations of quilters - Grandma, mom, and friends - as well as remnants from the wedding quilt that mom made for Dori and Rob. 

A remnant from Grandma’s apron and the blueberry print shown above  from a departed friend (very Nova Scotia) makes it all the more special. 

Apparently it was all hands on deck, with Rob helping out with the cutting and Benny providing art direction. 

The dining room was converted to a sewing room. 

The pattern is Kaleidoscope and Dori made 10" squares. 

By and large, it is machine quilted but she realized once they were out east that she had missed a couple of blocks so she hand quilted them!

They were asked to add a label with Quilts for Nova Scotia, the maker's name and the date. Her sewing machine stitches type, which was great; at times she feels that it is a bit rudimentary, but it did the trick here.

And this is Alison's quilt. It's a pattern that she has made several variations of over the years; Dori likes to call it Ali Patch.

Don't you just love the sashing? It's a sea of tiny, swirling fish, so they have both incorporated east coast icons into their labours of love…

Dori and Rob vacation in Nova Scotia and were fortunate enough to be able to deliver the quilts to the guild in person.

A scrappy heart was worked into the backing of Dori's quilt.

Here they are together in the Maritime mist...

I found it so incredibly touching that in the midst of their sorrow RCMP officers were the ones to deliver quilts to the families, particularly since they lost one of their own as well....M



  1. Beautiful! Love the colours and patterns.I am sure they will be much appreciated.

  2. Beautiful quilts. I also like the scrappy hearts. The receivers will be over the moon with a quilt like this and always remember this kind gesture in a difficult time.

  3. Both quilts are absolutely gorgeous and filled with love and compassion. What beautiful gifts from the heart.

  4. So beautiful, both the quilts and the lovely story behind the making and giving.:)

  5. Both of these quilts are lovely. Do you think there is a pattern for Ali Patch, or is it just random? I will be working on a quilt made from shirts for my old boss whose husband died 2 years ago. I thought this pattern would work well. thanks

  6. These quilts are both so beautiful. The colours are soft and soothing, and hopefully they will bring comfort to the families that will receive them. It must be an extremely difficult time for the whole community.

  7. Beautiful! The colours make me think of sand and sea ... and, calmness. Absolutely perfect!


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