Friday, February 07, 2020

Keeping My Head Down

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt blocks
I'm trying to keep my head down and the squirrels at bay as I close in on the last of my Pineapple Tidbits blocks. There's about half a dozen left to go but it is that dangerous point in a project where you start thinking, 'Maybe I should play with something else'. Focus. Focus.

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt block
A block takes about 45 minutes to assemble so I've been attempting to prep two at a time and then sew both in one sitting. Sometimes I get two finished, sometimes it's only one, but slowly they are building to a big finish, which is so incredibly hard to contemplate given how long they have been in the works.

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt block
Several still need to be trimmed to size but at this point I will just wait and trim everything else that needs doing in one shot. There's also a big pile that will need the edges zigzagged but again, I'm concentrating on getting the blocks finished and then working through that.

#QuiltBee: Pineapple Tidbits quilt block
I love that there is everything and anything in these blocks - it's a terrific use of the 'uglies' and triggers lots of memories - and I keep imagining what they will look like after they are dyed. Onward!....M


  1. Good luck on focusing! Wow, you've got the makings of a wonderful and gloriously scrappy quilt. I tried a few pineapple blocks and found that although I love the look I didn't like the process. I turned my few blocks into a medallion center and they have been sitting here ever since.

    Focus! Focus! Looking forward to the results of that!

  2. Hang in there......the end is near. I love scrappy blocks and yours are very pretty.

  3. I love your blocks. This is exactly the inspiration I need when I'm starting my scrappy pineapple blocks next week. Are you going to dye it when finished?

  4. Focus! These are marvelous!

  5. Love these, Marie! I bought a pineapple cutting template a while ago, but I haven’t had the courage to use it. What are you zig-zagging, and dyeing?

  6. These blocks turned out beautifully, Marie. I love them.

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Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.