Sunday, February 02, 2020

A Change Of Plans

Some weeks are busy, busy, busy, and this was one of them. There was baking cookies - several hundred for Winter Magic, a winter festival that the Friends of Bonnechere Parks hosts every year - quilting, and running errands, so lots on the books.

I intended to slow things down a bit today and spend it binding a small charity quilt that the gals from the church just finished quilting. It was found in a bundle of quilt tops from an unknown maker and they decided that it was time to be quilted and put to use.

There was no fabric for the binding with the flimsy so I offered to see what was in my stash that might work. Three options emerged and of the three I chose to go with the tiny calico because it did the best job of adding a little life to this piece.

Its not an exact match but does pick up on the golds in the floral prints that was used in the quilt. Those tiny bits of cream also tie in nicely with the backing.

Late Friday I got the binding made and attached and yesterday I gave it a start. It's not a large quilt - 62" x 48" - so I expected to have it done by the end of the weekend.

Well, things went much better than anticipated and it was finished waaaay ahead of schedule. I really like the binding; the colours in the quilt are a little on the dull side so this gives it a little bit more life. The cream backing is on the light side for my taste, but it too was pulled from the bits and bobs that the gals have for charity quilts and it will do nicely.

#QuiltBee: hexagons for Anna Levens quiltSo, Plan B. Its Superbowl Sunday today with lots of good football to be had. Me thinks its back to Anna Levens and my hexies, and that's not a bad thing. Happy Groundhog Day!...M

p.s. The Official Cookie Tester was in his element this week - he even got a tin of cookies to share at the office.


  1. Gosh that is a lot of cookies! The fabric for the binding is a wonderful fit for the charity quilt. How fun...watching the game whilst you stitch those pretty hexies. Have fun stitching.

  2. Great projects. Cookies look yummy!

  3. Hi,
    Love the fabric you choose for the charity quilt. It really makes the quilt pop. Have a great day!

  4. That binding is perfect and I am hoping KC wins less than 2 minutes so far so good!

  5. You picked the perfect print for binding for the quilt. Nicely done! Hexies and superbowl sound like the perfect way to while away a Sunday evening. I'll miss football! Hope you have a great week! :)

  6. A great big Thank You from the Friends of Bonnechere Parks. Your generous donation of cookies was much appreciated by many. Every last cookie disappeared, with only a few crumbs left in the bottom of the tins. All the little children who attended enjoyed choosing a favourite snowflake.

  7. It looks like the Offical Cookie tester was very busy. The little gold calico was a great choice for the binding.

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