Friday, January 31, 2020

Lets Hear It For The Snowmen

#QuiltBee: snowman place mats
A few weeks ago I was showing you the snowman place mats that I was going to be stitching the binding on while watching football but I never did show you the finished product.

#QuiltBee: snowman place matsThere are two red...

#QuiltBee: snowman place mats
...and two green, and I think that they are really sweet. And the randomly spaced vertical lines of quilting add a nice casual touch so that they don't take themselves too seriously.

#QuiltBee: snowman place mats
The flying geese that run up one side are snowier prints - lots more white in them - as is the red and white that they are all backed and bound in. I keep envisioning a young family of four sitting in to eat and checking out all of the different snowmen that are rolling about on their mat.

#QuiltBee: snowman place mats
I'm particularly happy that I used up the pieces of snowman fabrics that I had and much of the red as well. There is a small pile of geese left over so they may become the seeds for a few potholders - I'll have to do a count.

#QuiltBee: snowman place mats
If I can resist putting these on our table they will go into a box to take to the Holly Bazaar in November. It's a little more work to make four place mats rather than one table runner, but I really enjoyed making them so I think I'll try and make one or two additional sets. Its always good to switch things up so that the shoppers at the bazaar stay interested - and in a buying mood 😉.


  1. The place mats are way too cute! I'd keep them. ;o)

  2. I would like to go to that bazaar so I can buy these. They are soooo cute and I love, love, love snowman. Great job! ;^)

  3. Those will be super cute either for the bazaar or for your table. ⛄⛄

  4. these are lovely placemats. Sometimes it's easier to do Christmas sewing in the New Year than to rush through it in December when there's so much else to do. Thank you for linking up to the Peacock Party.

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Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.