Saturday, February 08, 2020

Love Letters

#QuiltBee: Valentine mug rug
Valentines Day is on the horizon and Jane has been busy, busy, busy getting ready for it; she adores Valentines and is always on the lookout for interesting projects. This mug rug is her latest creation, the inspiration for which she found on Pinterest.

#QuiltBee: Valentine mug rug
For a mug rug it is rather generously sized - approximately 12" x 16". It is doubtful that she will use it as a mug rug but more likely as a small wall hanging. Luv these polka dots.

#QuiltBee: Valentine mug rug
The hearts are tiny and sweet and beautiful all together.

This year she's also fashioned pretty Valentines from delicate hankies. There's a light batting to give them a bit of body. A few lace embellishments were added after this photo was taken.

#QuiltBee: tiny Valentine envelope block
And then there was this tiny envelope block that will become part of another mug rug. Isn't it adorable? It is just four HSTs but it's the size that that makes it. Made of 1.5" strips, the block is only 4" after you add the borders. Just. So. Stinkin'. Cute!

#QuiltBee: Valentine cards
For years she has also made beautiful cards to celebrate the occasion. She used to sell them to the folks in her office but now that she's retired and moved away from the city that doesn't happen as often, however, a local coffee shop has put them on their counter so she is interested to see how they do there. I'm betting that they fly off the shelf.

Those teenie tiny little envelopes had me squealing and she revealed that they were cut with Linda's Cuttlebug. Well, Linda, kind soul that she is, surprised me with a little stack of my own to play with. Not sure that I will even come close to what you see here, but I'll have fun trying....M


  1. OMG ... LOVE all of it! Sometimes I feel overwhelmed looking at all of this creativity! Those hearts with the red quilting are stinking cute!

  2. What wonderful Valentine ideas and projects. Those tiny envelopes and love letters are the best.

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