Thursday, February 28, 2019

My Design Wall

God's Green Earth quilt: QuiltBee
A good part of God's Green Earth has been lounging on my design wall for who knows how long now and I've enjoyed having it to look at while I worked on other things. About two thirds of the blocks were up on the wall and I had a pile of what I thought were the remaining bowtie blocks ready to go, but I was procrastinating. I really liked the colour layout that I had and was afraid that if I started messing with it I would ruin things.

Eventually sanity returned and I just went ahead and started laying down the rest of the blocks, and it came together surprisingly well (imagine that!). What I did realize was that instead of having to rearrange everything I was going to need to make more bowties - it just wasn't wide enough. Things got a little interesting as laid out the full length of it too - my ceiling is very low so there were two rows that ended up on the 'design floor'.

bowtie quilt block: QuiltBee
Anyway, I cut another two columns worth (28 blocks) and got  to work. I wasn't so keen on having to make more blocks - you know how it is when you think that you are finished - but it really didn't take that long to cut them out and I was able to integrate more of my favourite fabrics into the mix.

God's Green Earth quilt: QuiltBee
I finished the last of them at our girls weekend and have now started sewing it together. There was the inevitable final tweaking of block placements but I have to say that I am smitten! I am so anxious to see the end result....M


Terri said...

So am I. Your quilt is very inspirational. Thanks for showing it.

Shelina said...

That looks good! I'm looking forward to the end result too!

Quilting Babcia said...

It's going to be gorgeous! I'm happy to see this one again, it was my inspiration to make a smaller version as a donation quilt. Need to make another one for us now.

Kyle said...

I'm smitten too with your layout and colors.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

This is so beautiful, Marie; I love the close ups to see what pretty fabrics you've used. It will be stunning, I'm sure. Still a frozen icy wasteland here outside Ottawa but I am thankful the roads are all clear for driving at least.

audrey said...

Love this! Of course it's one of my fave classic designs.:)