Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Joy to the World!

#Halo quilt: QuiltBee
I'm a little slow in getting around to it but there were a few quilty gifts under the tree this year that have me tickled pink, not the least of which was the pattern for Halo by Jen Kingwell. This one is going to be another 'forever' project because I want to hand stitch it, but I don't mind - it's so wonderfully scrappy that it will be fun adding new bits and pieces over time.

It is included with nine other patterns in this little Jenny From One Block booklet, which is a great idea - no need for a full book.

Santa was very organized this year and in addition to delivering the pattern he came through with the acrylic pattern templates too. I could have drawn them up onto cardboard but what's Christmas without one or two special treats?

Many moons ago when I started quilting I spent hours tracing out pattern pieces before cutting them out. Rotary cutters changed much of that (thankfully!) but the curved pieces in this one meant that I had to figure out an alternative to all of that tracing.

I decided to see if a tiny rotary cutter would do the trick, so I picked one up on sale (28 mm) and took it for a spin. Works like a charm! The tighter arc is still a little tricky, but manageable, I just have to take my time. Thank heaven, because I didn't want to trace all those pieces - I'd never get this one finished.

#Halo quilt: QuiltBee
Now to resist the temptation to go at this one whole hog. There are a few others that were in line first, but maybe it can be worked into the hand stitching rotation....M


  1. Great gift. Great quilt. Enjoy the new tools. ;^)

  2. It's a gift that will keep on giving for years to come. What a fun project. I'll look forward to watching it grow. --Andrea

  3. That is going to make one gorgeous quilt :)

  4. Love this so much! I really hope you can enjoy every stitch of the way. The templates too! *swoon! Somebody loves you.:)

  5. It will be fun to see what happens Glad you figured out that the small cutter was the solution.

  6. Hi Marie! I'd say Santa was not only good to you, but he is very thoughtful gift giver. You have made so much progress on this project already! I am of the frame of mind that necessary deadlines first and after that, whatever is calling your attention. So, if this finds it way to the front of the line before some other fun - oh well. Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. those templates were a good present for sure and the book looks good too. I tried a tiny rotary cutter once and didn't have much luck with it glad it is working for you

  8. I love curves and that pattern looks like fun! Cute

  9. Santa was good to you. I can't wait to see what you create with those block patterns and templates. I think 2019 is going to be a fun year of sewing! : )


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