Tuesday, January 01, 2019

A Helping Hand

house quilt block: QuiltBee
Even though we don't live in California, much less the USA, we couldn't help feeling the devastation of the folks impacted by the massive forest fires this fall. To have a town completely wiped off the map is a sobering thought - so many people left with nothing. I have a hard time imagining it and cannot even begin to conceive of what those people are going through.

Lori at Humble Quilts shared a facebook post from Debbie's Quilt Shop in Paradise, CA the other day encouraging quilters to make 10" house blocks for the fire survivors to  help in some small way as they rebuild their lives. She included block instructions from Dianne Knott of Butterfly Threads Quilting - very easy and fun to put together. The block is made with 2.5" squares and strip scraps - easy peasy.

house quilt block layout: QuiltBee
House blocks have been something that I've wanted to play with for some time now so the decision to make a few seemed like a no-brainer; after I watched the Rose Bowl Parade I sat down to make one or two.

house blocks: QuiltBee
That quickly turned in to half a dozen (I told you they were fast and easy).

We're to write something on each block with a permanent marker, which I don't have, so I'll need to dig one up before sending these off. If you are at all inclined to help out I'd encourage you to visit Lori's blog for the instructions. Blocks can be shipped to:

Debbie's Quilt Shop
6287 Fremont Drive
Magalia, CA  95954

Short on time but still want to help? Lynn at Sew'n Wild Oaks is selling tickets on a quilt to raise money for the survivors. She grew up in Paradise so the loss is doubly painful. Selling tickets on a quilt doesn't seem like it would be a big deal but as of December 15 she had raised $13,105 from generous quilters around the world and it just keeps coming! It is even more amazing when you realize that tickets are $5 a piece. See what she's done with the money so far. Make cheques payable to:

Lynn Wilder
PO Box 3236
Arnold, CA 95223-3236

Please write 'Stitch Paradise Back Together' in the memo section of the cheque.

This was a such a great way to start my new year. Happy 2019 everyone!....M


  1. I intend to make a house block and this is why. Bear with me because this comment is rather long and excerpted from a post in my other blog http://wanderorponder.blogspot.com/2018/11/franks-70th-birthday.html but I feel it captures a feeling when I was visiting Sacramento with my husband for his 70th birthday, the weekend when the Camp Fire was in strong progress. The acrid smoke smell lay heavily in the air throughout the capital city. We were in the Sacramento History Museum and I was sitting by an agricultural display. EXCERPT*****Trains and agriculture played a large role in the region. These colorful produce crates caught my eye. I was sitting down next to them at a low table fiddling with some animal and tractor toys associated with the produce theme, there most likely to entice children to stay and play awhile. A young girl maybe 7 or so asked "May I play with you?" I smiled in amusement, said "Certainly," and pushed some of the toys over her way. We sat and I made small talk, or rather small sounds such as horse whinnies or tractor rumblings. She was somewhat quiet listening to my noises and then said matter of factly, "My mom brought us here to have a good time. We had to evacuate because of the fire and I think our house is gone." I said, "I am so sorry to hear that. What town do you come from?" and she answered "Chico". Chico is about 15 miles east of Paradise, the town consumed by the Camp Fire. Her mom came by the table in a few minutes and confirmed what her daughter had told me. She still had hope that there would be a home when they returned. That short interchange was very sobering and I wonder what happened to that family.  The girl and her mom moved on and I left that area as well. ***** A house block, if it will provide emotional support, is well worth my time.

  2. Thank you for sharing this way to provide comfort to the families of this devastation. I so appreciate your heart. Thank you also for providing the link to the originator of this worthwhile cause. Take good care!

  3. Wonderful idea! I'll be featuring this on Wednesday's Midweek Makers, as I, too, have made several quilts for Paradise.


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