Wednesday, January 16, 2019

I'm No Jen Kingwell

My idea to just cut a few of the pieces that I need for Halo to see how my new little rotary cutter would work has taken over all of my quilting time lately. Pile and piles of little pieces are now emerging, so while everything it tossed up I am just going to keep going.

It was a bit of a struggle at first though because I was having a hard time seeing Jen Kingwell's quilt in my cuttings. She used predominantly graphic prints and my stash is decidedly floral with a few graphic prints thrown in for good measure. Her palette has considerably more greys than my stash as well and I was starting to wonder if I was just making a mess.

But the more I cut the more I realized that her quilt was a reflection of her stash and mine would be a reflection of mine; they were not going to be identical, just similar and I just had to pay attention to colour value for the various pieces. And once the piles of pieces started growing I could see that it was going to be okay 😏).

Early on there was a bit of template first aid to be had. The templates tend to slip, especially with all the curves that are being cut, so I looked around for a way to prevent them from skidding so much. I had to look no further than our medicine cabinet.

I cut small strips of surgical tape and applied them to the back of the templates; there's just enough friction created to help keep the templates in place.

So, the cutting continues. It's slowed a little by the fact that I am  cutting from even the smallest of scraps and then taking the cutting remnants and trimming them to 1" blocks and strips for Oh My Gosh, but I might as well do it all at the same time....M

1 comment:

  1. You're doing all kind of prepping and the sewing will start soon. Good remind that our quilts are our own and reflect our own preferences.


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