Sunday, July 01, 2018

Three For Three

I surprised myself yesterday and got the binding sewn onto Martha's Star, so I will enjoy a relaxing day of hand stitching today. Just as well, as it is stinkin' hot and humid outside, and looks like it will be for the next several days.

Normally, I make my bias binding and then sew it onto the quilt right away so I'm working with a hot mess of binding strip in my lap, but because I made three (very long) bindings in advance this time I rolled them into a ring as I pressed them and they were delightfully easy to use. I just sat the roll next to the machine and pulled off what I needed as I went. Might be a lesson in there for the future...

Anyway, the first one went so well that I tackled a second one...

and then the third! So, now I have no lack of stitching to do for the next little while.

The bindings were made either from the backing scraps (green dots) or remnant pieces, so I just kept cutting until the pieces were used up. Looks like I have enough to do four more quilts!

To my Canadian friends, a very happy Canada Day! Have fun celebrating our 151st birthday and be certain to find a place to stay cool....M

p.s. Just noticed Google's image for the day. Doesn't it look like all those little people are working on a design wall? 😉


  1. Funny that you are going to do the handwork on a quilt when it is stinkin'hot! Now with the airco we all have it is possible! With my quilters group in Greece we say: summer is for making tops, winter for quilting and handwork!!!
    I also roll my bias when I iron it! Success with the stitching and hope you can go outside again soon!!!

  2. Yes working well organized makes the projects seem to go much more smoothly. Happy Canada Day!

  3. Happy Canada Day! Those bindings look great. Rolling them up is a great idea. Isn't it great when you stumble upon an easier method without really trying.


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