Thursday, June 28, 2018

Starting Some Binding

There are three quilts waiting to be finished off, all they need is the binding...

so I've been cutting and cutting and pressing and am finally ready to start sewing them on now.

Martha's Star quilt: QuiltBee
I'm going to start with the one that has been sitting the longest - Martha's Star. I think that it has been sitting on the arm of the basement sofa for over a year (eek!). I'd have to go back and check but I think the gals at the church finished quilting it last spring.

Martha's Star quilt: QuiltBee
It's a good sized quilt and I think will become the summer quilt for our bed, replacing my two faves of the moment which both happen to be Christmas quilts.

I'll use the same red that was used for the tiny squares that run diagonally through the quilt - I'd forgotten just how much I love this fabric. There's about a metre left so I'll have to figure out where to use it again.

Martha's Star quilt: QuiltBee
This quilt has been in the works for so many years it will be a small miracle to finally sleep under it, tho we won't need it this weekend - we're in for a heat wave. Still, stitching a red binding seems appropriate for our upcoming Canada Day celebrations...M


  1. Love your pastry cutter lattice work on that gorgeous pie. And what a pretty quilt. Stay hydrated...Happy Canada Day.

  2. Pretty rolls of binding. Such a lovely quilt too. Enjoy your finish xx


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