Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pie Day

rhubarb: QuiltBee
Rhubarb. It's sort of like the Christmas of springtime for me - such a great treat but really short lived.

Yesterday this lovely bouquet was calling my name. One of the Official Cookie Tester's favourite pies is rhubarb but I seldom make it because the Rhubarb Torte, with its yummy custard filling, always seems to get to the front of the line (not that he's complaining...). Well, I decided that it was time to make him a treat.

It was a quiet day, perfect for putzing in the kitchen, so I made up a batch of pastry and then went on the hunt for a recipe - nothing all tarted up, just a good, old fashioned rhubarb pie. This one looked like it would fit the bill, so I headed out to the garden before the rains came.

It also gave me an excuse to try my hand at making a lattice top with the pastry cutter that Jane gave me for my birthday last year.

rhubarb pie: QuiltBee
I have to say that I'm pretty pleased with my first effort at a lattice-topped pie, despite the fact that I think the bands are a little thicker than they should be, but I was leerie of having them break when I wove them together. I

rhubarb pie: QuiltBee
I made a second pie for the freezer and the bands weren't as thick and it went together much quicker. That will be a nice treat to dig out in the middle of winter.

It took quite a while to bake and I think it could have used a few more minutes in the oven but I didn't want to ruin the pastry so out it came. Another time I would use a little less rhubarb. It's very good even if it on the sweet side. No complaints registered by The Official Cookie Tester though - he even had a piece for breakfast!

peonies: QuiltBee
While I was out in the garden I couldn't resist picking a handful of peonies so their heady fragrance has filled the house. Pie and peonies, not a bad weekend....M


  1. Your pie looks wonderful! What variety of rhubarb do you grow? I'd love to have a plant with red stalks but all we have currently are the green ones. Still good, just not so pretty. Our peonies are long gone now,but they bloomed beautifully this spring.

  2. A lovely pie - I can see you are comfortable with cutting strips of pie dough just like fabric!! Don’t you just love peonies...we had such a roller coaster spring here in Wisconsin I am amazed we had any blooms at all but for some unknown reason my Alaskan purchased peonies put on quite a show and grew in height dramatically. Gardening is often a mystery!


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