Thursday, July 05, 2018

Enjoy the Little Things

What do you do when your air conditioning quits over a long weekend in the middle of a heat wave? You find a good, big fan and set it up near your machine so that you can sew tiny strip sets to keep yourself from going mad with the heat. I'm happy to say that after four days we finally have a fix but there were times that it almost drove us to distraction.

The Omigosh quilt requires a lot of this...

but the payoff is these wonderful little blocks. And now I have eight more to add to the list.

I also get to enjoy a little light (fabric) reading as you sew with a reminder to enjoy the little things...

p.s. This is a lousy pic but I just had to share it. As I sewed the Official Cookie Tester sat in front of another fan to watch World Cup soccer. To the untrained eye this looks like random strip sets, but it was his illustration of the extra kicks that saw England win over Columbia. 😃


  1. Heard on the news about the awful heat wave going through central and eastern Canada...a very serious situation and not a good time for A/C to go out. We have also been having unusually hot weather though today is a blessing from Heaven with drier, cooler air. I had this image of your big fan blowing all those tiny little pieces around but it sounds like you knew the perfect way to set it up! Your OMG quilt progress looks great and is similar to my Settler’s Trail project (a Primitive Gatherings pattern) - I hope to finish that one up later this Fall as it has lingered in 3 bins for too many years. Don’t you just love the tiny pieces though when they are all together!!

  2. Love seeing your progress. Stay as cool as you can.


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