Wednesday, July 11, 2018


Martha's Star quilt: QuiltBee
The days of hot, hot, muggy weather have finally passed, and even though it is close to 30 C most days, it feels absolutely balmy by comparison - perfect weather to get back to the binding on Martha's Star.

Martha's Star quilt: QuiltBee
In the evenings I have started taking it out on the deck to enjoy stitching in the fresh air and gentle summer breeze until the fading light sends me indoors.

It's a large quilt and I'm not really speeding through it (I think I'm just over a quarter of the way there) but it is a lovely way to pass the time.....M


  1. Enjoying the moments are important too.

  2. Hand quilting is ever so much more enjoyable when we just sit and soak in the space around us and the relaxation/meditation of our efforts. Speeding through hand quilting sort of defeats the purpose though I've been known to do that to myself occasionally.:)

  3. We can store these kinds of days for bringing out in the midst of is so peaceful to sit with handwork that we can pick up or put down as the mood fits.


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