Sunday, December 17, 2017

Saving the Best for Last

Christmas cookie baking is a wrap for another year, and it feels good.

I spent 12 hours in the kitchen yesterday, which is a lot, but it was a lot less stressful than last weekend so everything worked out okay. The Official Cookies Tester was working on his timing and managed to catch the Cranberry Chocolate Chippers while they were still warm.

I think he might have missed sampling the Thimble Cookies though...

But I saved the best for last. Both my Favourite Nephew and The Official Cookie Tester have a penchant for pure, unadulterated shortbread so that's what I baked today. I use my mom's recipe and cookie press. I'm not sure how old the press is but it has to be at least 60 years or so; I've got the original box that it came in but don't see any date markings on it.

We loved watching mom make these cookies when we were growing up - it was the only time of year that she made them and the only pressed cookies that I remember (it can be a killer on the wrist and hand but the payoff is so worth it). I like to stay true to the original, including the addition of a single silver dragée on each heart.

The second recipe is also a favourite - Lynn's Tiny Fudge Tartlets. I got this recipe from a friend of my sister Dori years ago; she had made them for one of our caroling parties and they were a huge hit. Needless to say, they have since become a welcome tradition in our family, too.

Two more tins were delivered today so I've only got three more to pack and deliver. As much fun as it is to do the baking, it's equally good to be able to see the counter top again....M


  1. You are amazing! Everything looks so delicious. Lucky are the recipients of these little delights. Enjoy the rest now that the work is done. ;^)

  2. Such yummy gifts but the cookie tester has the best job!

  3. My childhood memory of this cookie press is that as we worked with it longer and longer thru the day, our hands would get sweaty and sticky. Of course, we weren't as efficient as we would be now. Eventually the last of the dough would be stained a slight grey from the aluminum casing. Ah, the joys of baking as kids! They still tasted great.

  4. Yumm! I hate baking cookies, but you always make it look so inviting!

  5. lovely blocks and cookies, I would have loved to have the recipes for them!!! Yum!! Happy New Year, Happy Sewing and stay warm! Take care from Iowa


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