Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Smoothing Out the Wrinkles

These may look like ordinary paper pieced hexies but they have medicinal qualities and have been working their magic of late.

I am, by nature, a list maker, particularly at busy times of the year like Christmas. For weeks now I've been working my list and feeling that I might be in control. Then I was scheduled for a last minute medical procedure on December 22. Not great timing, but I could adjust.

Then, due to a change in travel plans, I had to have several gift tins of cookies ready for this past Sunday rather than for New Years so Saturday found me baking and packing cookies like a madwoman. Not how I like to bake, but I did it.

Sunday it was time to finish decorating the tree that has been up for a week. Lights and garlands were on it but none of the decos. I plugged in the lights only to discover that one of the strings had blown. Aaaghh! This was going to be a pain because I hang lots of garlands and they are hung after the lights, which meant that the new lights had to fit in behind the garlands. I unplugged everything and left the room.

Yesterday, I plucked up the wherewithal to tackle the lights and, after half an hour of rolling around on the floor (it was the bottom string that blew), I had all of the lights working again but patience was in short supply. So, when the bushiness of the tree started impeding my progress I took matters into my own hands.

I finally prevailed and by last evening the tree was finished.

By the end of it all the tree had worked its magic and I was starting to feel Christmasy again so I sat down to enjoy it as I added a few hexies to Anna Levens. Thank heaven for needle and thread - I highly recommend them for removing the wrinkles from a furrowed brow....M


  1. Yes, thank goodness for needle and thread, especially during this season of busyness.:) It's especially sweet to stitch by the light of the twinkly Christmas lights too!

  2. Marie, your tree looks beautiful! I hope I get to see it in person this year.


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