Saturday, December 23, 2017

Christmas Quilt Inspiration

It's a wrap! The last of the gifts is now wrapped and under the tree so we're ready to start the celebrations in earnest tomorrow (actually, as I write this I realize that there's one more gift for The Official Cookie Tester that I'd hidden and still need to wrap, but I digress...). Just as I was getting to the end of things I took a second look at a piece of wrapping paper that I was using and started musing about what a lovely Christmas quilt it would  make. What do you think?

It would be fun to try and draft it, but I'll file that idea away for another day. Tomorrow we have a gang in for Christmas Eve fondue so there's no time for quilting right now - I need my beauty sleep so that I'm fresh for baking a strawberry cream puff ring and mince tarts.

That said, Santa seems to approve. Hope things are wrapping up for you too and that you are ready for the fun to begin!.....M


  1. That would make a wonderful Christmas quilt! Merry Christmas to you and the official cookie tester!

  2. Have a wonderful holiday season, Marie. I too admire that Scandinavian Star that seems to pop up all over the place. Enjoy the family and friends. ;^)

  3. Merry Christmas Marie! Love the wrapping paper and the Santa candle holder. Someone with very good taste must have given you that! Hope to see you over the holidays. I'll be at the cottage from Dec. 27. xoxo


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