Wednesday, December 27, 2017

'Beeing' Me

Now that Christmas and Boxing Day are behind us you can almost hear the pitter patter of quilters' slippers around the world as they head to their sewing rooms to play. I know I will be, and I'll be trying out some of my gifts too.

This cream puff ring started things off Christmas Eve and it seems like we have been eating and drinking for the better part of three days so its time to switch things up a bit!

Bees and quilting seemed to be a theme of several gifts this year including a beautiful and delicate pair of embroidered PJs; I wonder if this is a hint to just stay in my jammies all day and sew?

Maybe it was a hint to curl up in them and read with a cup of tea because I also received this great looking read: A Hive for the Honeybee. It came with a lovely jar of honey, too.

My lovely niece included the pattern for Huddle from Eye Candy Quilts in my stocking which I have long coveted and I can't wait to start. But you know me and square quilts...I'll need to figure out how to make it rectangular instead.

Maybe I need to make a test block today because I'm now the proud owner of a pair of Perfect Scissors and a new fine point Mark-B-Gone water soluble marker. I just have this feeling that I will be decompressing in the sewing room soon with my new toys, and maybe, just maybe, doing it in my PJs.....M


  1. Lovely gifts. You must have been real good this year, lol. Love the quilt too. Enjoy! ;^)

  2. Haha! Spot on about the quilters all headed to the quilt room! Sounds like a great holiday and of course you should enjoy it in your pjs.:)

  3. Relax and enjoy some quilting time. Looks like you had a lovely holiday.

  4. Couldn't agree more lol! Beautiful embroidery on those special PJs....definitely worthy of a PJ sewing day! Enjoy your new quilt pattern x


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