Wednesday, June 14, 2017

At Long Last

This might look like a jumbled mess to you but to me it is real and genuine progress. But, I'm jumping ahead of myself a bit; lets start at the beginning.

The last of the large hexies now has a hexie border - hooray! I never thought I'd get here. So I slapped it up on the design wall with the others to see what everyone looked like together.

Of course there had to be some tweaking... There was one final tweak after this with the dark green and dark plum bordered hexies trading places, but I don't seem to have a pic of it. Close enough.

So that meant it was time to get serious about the cream hexies that would join them all together. It was a sloooow start figuring out a process, but it finally seemed to click into place (and yes, that is a little Merry Christmas snowman in the background - for some reason he never goes into storage, he stays out all year).

Not long into it I realized that the very first cream hexie was lighter than all the others - I had sewn it onto the template inside out. Whaaat? Of course it had to be the first one. Well, I wasn't prepared to rip it out until I had seen some serious progress, so I just kept going.

Eventually I got enough of them joined that I went back and replaced it; this is where I am now. I've got a ways to go, but progress is being made!....M


  1. it is looking good - hexies do take time!

  2. Your doing great and mores to the point it looks lovely. They time, but keep at it, your goingbto have a beautiful quilt,

  3. I love the hexies around the bigger fussy cut centers.

  4. Hexies are a long slow process. Looking great!

  5. Ohh this will be so beautiful--how did you figure the size of that larger hexie ? I love that pattern...I think your white(s) will really make the big hexies shine out...lovely work. Hugs, Julierose

  6. Your hexies are looking so pretty. The white will really make them pop. EPP is time consuming but the effort pays off.

  7. Yah, so you can see where this paper piecing process was not made for me. Just sayin'!

  8. It may be slow but gorgeous.

  9. Woohoo! I am totally going to try these some day. Still getting my courage up though.:)

  10. Impressive! and the finish line is actually in sight now.


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