Sunday, June 11, 2017

A Good Third Choice

There's still lots of rhubarb in the garden, and since I've made the Rhubarb Torte twice this spring already I thought it would be nice to try something new. My first choice was Ina Garten's Raspberry Rhubarb Crostata. I love her summer crostata with peaches, blueberries and plums so this one seemed like a natural, except that I didn't have raspberries in the house and was too lazy to run out and pick some up.

My second choice was the Lemon Buttermilk Rhubarb Bundt Cake but alas, no lemons in the house.

Soooo, I trolled my Pins and landed on Rhubarb Buttermilk Cake. Excellent choice! Turns out I made it almost a year ago to the day and liked it then, too 😉.

I convinced the Official Cookie Tester to run out for some ice cream and we enjoyed a tasty little snack. You can see from my recent pins that there are a few more rhubarb recipes waiting in the wings to be tried but I think I need to make the bundt cake at least once before the rhubarb is done. I haven't had it in quite some time and just the thought of it is making my mouth water.

Between mouthfuls I am turning under cream hexies for Anna Levens.

I'd totally forgotten about using a paper clip to secure them - it makes such a huge difference. Without it, things shift every which way and you get some wonky looking corners instead of nice crisp ones. I may have to redo a few of them, but that's okay. At least I figured out what I was doing wrong.

It's our first hot and humid day of the summer so it will be nice to sit still and stitch. Our little weekend guest is one step ahead of me and still enjoying her new bed. I don't think she's going to need that blanket....M


  1. I envy you your rhubarb - none here in the south and I grew up with it in Wisconsin where I was raised. I use a little binding clip to hold my hexie in place and a paper clip sounds like a good idea too.

  2. Your cooking looks divine! I'm a hexie/paperclip girl, couldn't do it without!

  3. That dessert looks delish!
    Enjoy your stitching today!

  4. I haven't had rhubarb in such a long time. Your sweet treat looks good. Another thing you can use with your hexagons are the Clover binding clips. They work great too.

  5. Mmmmm.....I love rhubarb. I have just two rhubarb plants, and pick sparingly as they are new plants. I will try the paperclip idea for hexies. It makes sense.

  6. Would you mind adding a link back to within your post somewhere? It helps quilters who check out your Design Wall Monday post to be able to link back to my blog and then look at the next design wall. Thanks!

  7. I was so caught up with the yummy looking rhubarb recipes that I had to come back to actually read about your quilting. I love doing hexies. I do them in the car when we are going on an hour or longer trip. In fact, it's the only handwork I can do without getting motion sick.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.