Wednesday, June 07, 2017

Lots of Blue

There's been lots of Old Italian blocks showing up around the house lately.

I divided them into two themes. The first set is more along the lines of painted clay tiles and the second group is a little more country, so I put them up on the design wall to see what they would look like together.

There's enough for a square table topper of the more traditional 'tile' blocks (like Delft pottery from the Netherlands) and the country/folksy set will make a table runner, with two blocks to the good (potholders?). If I'm smart and stay at it, I'll get them finished now and have them ready early for the Holly Bazaar in the fall. If I'm smart.

The square one is all together, it just needs a good press before I quilt it; it will be 24" x 24".

I've reworked the layout of the runner a bit from the design wall photo above so now it's ready to sew together. Guess I should look at what to use for backings and bindings soon.....M


  1. Those are really pretty - love the blue fabrics! Thanks for sharing on Midweek Makers!

  2. Love your blocks, the blues are beautiful.

  3. Your blocks are so perfectly stitched and pretty to boot! Also love the way those hexies are working out.

  4. Love how those blocks are coming together. I have to always laugh at the name of this block. I guess my husband is Italian and has now retired. He's my Old Italian.

  5. Those blocks are really pretty Marie! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. Hi Marie,
    I love the blocks - especially the ones you used for the table topper or the blues. I'd say you are smart - very - since you got both of these almost all ready for quilting. ~smile~

  7. Love your blocks!!! Happy quilting!

  8. Both your projects are so lovely! Love that block pattern! Thank you for sharing!

  9. once they are up on the design wall, we can really see the range of values adding depth.

    Yes. loving it.... and memo to self: organise design wall.

  10. A very pretty block , just love how the two different colour-schemes changes the look of the quilt. So many possibilities! And I love blue for summer...

    ; )


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