Monday, June 19, 2017

That AHA! Moment

Both of my Old Italian table toppers/runners are now ready to quilt...

... and both are looking so nice and summery. Blue & white are a longtime favourite of mine.

But as I snapped a few pics to share they started looking very familiar in an odd kind of way. It took a little time for things to sink in, but eventually my synapses connected. I had made the Old Italian block before! Egads - how do you not remember that???

In 2012-13 I hand stitched this little blue & white baby quilt (still to be quilted) called Spot. Look familiar? It was inspired by a Schnibbles pattern of the same name. The proportions are a little different but honestly, how do you not remember something that you worked on for over a year?

Maybe it was the fact that the Jo Morton block went by a different name, or maybe that this one had sashing between the blocks, I don't know. Still, you'd think I'd recognize the pattern. Apparently not. Some days I really get to wondering about the grey matter between my ears. All I can say is at least I'm consistent...M


  1. I love all three versions of your quilt blocks! I have made quite a few blue projects too!

  2. Wow, these are all so lovely. Can so relate to your memory "lapse"...when I dig through my totes, I always find something that is a surprise!

  3. Such serene colors! It's funny how this can happen, working with the same block once again and not remembering the first time! I guess we really do have our preferences and different fabrics can make a pattern present in a new way!

  4. Well, you appear to be consistent in design, color choices and precise work. Lovely, both then and now.

  5. I love your writing style! Your post made me smile! Your projects are so beautiful - they look so fresh! I'm starting to fall in love with blue and white! Thank you for sharing!

  6. You must have enjoyed making that block then! I like the skinny X too and think something between the skinny and wide strips would be what I like the best.


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