Monday, April 24, 2017

The Reveal

We had a little house guest over the weekend so it was time to bring out her surprise and reveal what all of my secret sewing was about. Now when Baylea comes to visit she can lounge in her new quilted dog bed.

It seems to be a hit.

She particularly liked it when we threw a blanket on top so that she could wrap herself up in it (she is the Queen of the Snooze).

This was the inspiration that I worked from but, much as I love white in a quilt, I couldn't bring myself to use white in a dog bed.

The pattern called for covering a store bought dog bed insert but I used lots of batting and fabric trimmings to fill it instead, an idea I got from Wanda at exuberantcolour. She saves all of her trimmings for a friend who makes dog beds, which is just a perfect way to use up all those scraps. Waste not, want not.

It won't win any awards for quilting accuracy, but it got better as I went along.

I really had a hard time resolving to cut off the corners so that the bed was circular, but as soon as the first corner came off my fears were put to rest - that changed it completely.

That said, I did have a hard time saying goodbye to this little block, but it's now part of the stuffing, so at least it got used.

I wasn't sure if I had enough stuffing in it but after a little test run with the pooch in question we resolved that it was just fine, so I will stitch that opening closed.

Anyway, our precious pup now has a new little nest to spend her time in when she's over for a visit and appears to be very happy about it....M


  1. So cute, and it looks like she sure appreciates it!

  2. Fabulous finish! It looks like the bed passed all tests with flying colours!

  3. It turned out very nicely and it definitely looks like she appreciated it!

  4. This is great Marie,what a wonderful idea.x

  5. wow what a luxurious dog bed, better not let my boys see that!

  6. It's a great dog bed and bay lea is very cute.

  7. I Love that it is stuffed with the trimmings! I have started saving mine now too! so awesome! I am inspired to make that dog bed on my list now! lol

  8. Perfect pet bed! Great use of all your trimmings.

  9. Well, that's one lucky doggie! Thanks for linking up to 'sew stitch snap SHARE'

  10. Wow what a fabulous bed for your little dog! I made one similar a biscornue from my Mum's vintage wool blankets our cat loves it!

  11. Lucky little dog! She looks happy as all settled down in her new bed.

  12. Such a beautiful patchwork bed! And I love that last photo of snuggle puppy... adorable!


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