Friday, April 21, 2017

Instant Messaging

My start on the Anna Levens quilt has been more than protracted. In fact, its been downright pokey. It's been on the go for at least six months now and I seem to drop it more often than I pick it up. If I was better at prepping the hexies in advance I'd be further along but, because I haven't, I tend to find something else to work on instead.

And I seem to be getting subliminal messages from it now that I've picked it up again as I wondered where I was in the process. Look closely. How's this for a hint?

Or this?

I cut my paper hexies from business reply cards that show up in the mail and their messaging seems to be very spot on. Made me smile....M


  1. Lol. Got to love coincidence. She works in mysterious ways. ;^)

  2. Isn't it great when the Universe lets you know where you are?

  3. Love your fabric choices for your Anna Leven's blocks, don't know how you can put them down lol.
    Nice to have some encouragement along the way!

  4. Binfer instant messaging is very secure. There is no charge to it. The link is


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