Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Treats

There's been some baking going on for Easter, and some yummy baking at that. Betty found a recipe for a Grapefruit Curd Tart with Black Pepper Pastry. I don't know that it would ever have occurred to me to make a tart with grapefruit (let alone put black pepper in the crust), but I'm very glad that I did. It was the perfect dessert after our ham dinner.

I was a little concerned because the crust was quite thick, but it was very nice - like eating a shortbread biscuit with the curd. The Official Cookie Tester gave it a thumbs up, as did everyone else, so this one will be a keeper.

Then I tried a Plum Loaf. I'd seen plums in the grocery store and just knew that they were coming home with me - not sure for what, but this loaf turned out to be the answer.

It calls for margarine but I used unsalted butter and it was very nice.

I also added about half a teaspoon of cinnamon to the brown sugar topping and it was a nice touch. I've got enough for a second one so I think I'll make it, maybe add a little candied ginger, and freeze it. Another favourable review from the Official Cookie Tester.

After that it was time to pull some fabrics for a few more Anna Levens blocks. I had a mauve ring of hexies all ready to go but after looking at the pattern again I wasn't sure that there was enough pattern in the print.

So I pulled several more and am playing with new combinations.

I also found a green that I'd forgotten about which I think will work well for one of the hexie rings. Now I probably have too many options but I'll see where this takes me....M


  1. Yum, yum and yum! Pretty fabric choice, too. It looks like you will be having fun sewing this week :)

  2. Marie, grapefruit curd tarte with black pepper pastry sounds absolutely divine!!

  3. If the official Cookie Tester gives your recipes a thumbs up, then they must be great. Have fun playing with the fabrics do. Sometimes that's the most fun!

  4. Yummy, love the tarts and I believe they are delicious as well. Fabric also looks good, you surely have good choice


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