Saturday, April 15, 2017

Secret Sewing

I've been thinking of a little project for quite some time now and last week I gave it a start. The large floral was my jumping off point.

It's for a certain someone so I won't reveal everything right now, but there are a few pics that I can show you without giving everything away.

With any luck it will get finished later this weekend, once all the Easter dinner cooking and baking is behind me - time will tell. Until then, everything is very 'secret squirrel' 😉  ....M


  1. It's beautiful, Marie - the colour is outstanding!!

  2. It's fun to make surprises

  3. It's fun to make surprises

  4. So many quarter squares but your points are divine! Very pretty, can't wait to see the finished quilt!


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.