Sunday, January 29, 2017

Sunday's Stitches

Happily, my 'candy bowl' is starting to fill as the quilting for Candied Hexagons has started to gel.

Now that there are a few more blocks quilted I'm getting a better sense of what things will look like.

There are a couple of hexies stitched in the same star pattern which I really like and I think that it will be dominant throughout, but I'm still going to mix it up here and there.

I've also solved the puzzle of what to do in the mauve triangles. The notion of starbursts popped into my head and this is where I've landed.

It adds a real sparkle to the quilt and also frames the hexies nicely.

All of the diamonds around the edge of each hexies are quilted a quarter of an inch in from the seam.

So now that the planning is complete the quilting can get under way in earnest. There will be more experimenting with patterns to use inside the hexies, but at least I have three or four patterns that I can fall back on....M


  1. I'm loving how you are quilting this quilt! The starbursts are perfect and the variety in the hexagons shows them off nicely! Well done!

  2. Your hand quilting is beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous! So fun how you are quilting each hexie differently! Enjoy!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. Wow!! I haven't seen such fine hand quilting in quite some time. Beautifully done!!

  5. Oh, this is gorgeous! Your hand quilting is so pretty!

  6. Gorgeous stitches! So even through out. Just amazing. Mine tends to get longer when I near a seam or even bigger still when I hit a crossroads of seams. How do you keep yours so even is beyond me. Amazing! Love the patterns you make inside the stars. Enjoy! ;^)

  7. Wow, what fine quilting! I really like it!

  8. I love your quilting. Your ideas are wonderful.

  9. It's so beautiful, Marie. It's nice to see hand quilting.

  10. I never can think of any very creative designs for hand quilting. I love not only your quilt but how you are hand quilting it. Beautiful!

  11. Boy that is a lot of quilting!
    Very inspiring Marie!

  12. I've just started making hexagon star blocks, so I'm really glad to see your quilting! Lovely work!

  13. The quilting designs that you came up with really do accentuate the quilt pattern and overall design.

  14. Your stitching is phenomenal and the patterns are working beautifully.

  15. This is fantastic, I love the pattern, the tiny stitches, the colors ,,, I love it all!!


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