Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Remember my 'clean-up in aisle five' a couple of weeks ago? Well, the sewing continued and, believe it or not, I ended up with 190 2-inch four patches in red and white/gold. 190!!!! That scrappy pile just didn't come close to looking like I'd get that many out of it, but I did.

And because I found a few fabrics that I wanted to include in the mix - like this white with tiny red squares and a couple of polka dots - I cut a few strips from my stash...

... and added 56 more to the tally.

I'm toying with making either a sofa quilt or possibly even a full quilt in a pattern that I made up into a table runner a few years ago (don't ask if it is quilted yet...). The four patches would alternate with a variety of green squares and then the whole thing is bordered with 4" saw tooth stars in red, but I just don't know if there will be enough interest in the centre to make it work. It might work with a smaller quilt.

In the meantime, everything is pressed and stored away until I feel like cutting my greens and working on it again....M


  1. What a great little compilation!

  2. Wonderful way to use up your scraps! I have some of that white fabric with the little red squares on it...I even know the designer!

  3. Great progress. Congrats! I clicked on the link to see the table runner and it is really cute. To add interest in the middle of the quilt, how about having the stars cris-crossing the middle section in a winding way? Just a thought. ;^)

  4. It's amazing what you were able to stitch together from you scrap pile. Now you have a great pile of blocks and tidied up at the same time.


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