Wednesday, February 01, 2017

My Disappearing Act

Anne's foray into the Disappearing Four Patch block stuck with me so I had to give it a try. I started with 6" blocks rather than the 5" blocks that she used so my blocks will finish off a little larger at 10" square.

I pulled a collection of florals - small, medium and large prints - and tossed in a bit of plaid, which happens to be from a recycled men's shirt, so it's on the scrappy side.

The pile of four patches was all prepped first and I've just been assembling one or two at a time when I pass the machine so the pile of blocks continues to grow (I think a quilt done with just this block would look spectacular!).

And this is what happens when you fall asleep as you sew...There's always one, isn't there, or is it just me?

Originally I thought it was going to be a baby quilt but I think it's going to end up closer to twin sized. Either way, it will be a charity quilt....M


  1. I like your arrangement of the blocks!

  2. No, no, it's not just you. I always have a blooper (or three) for each quilt. Not sure if it's a normal thing but at my place, it's normal. :^D
    Love your choice of fabric. The addition of plaid is a nice touch. ;^)

  3. Hi Marie: enjoyed your start to a new quilt, lovely and scrappy. The addition of the plaid is great. Quilting keeps you warm. xo

  4. Yep, sometimes monotonous sewing can lull us to sleep - it's happened to me. Otherwise, the blocks are lovely - it's amazing how something so simple can have a great impact. Thanks so much for sharing these on Midweek Makers

  5. Obviously, you find putting these together is relaxing. ;)
    Some years ago a neighbour popped in for a visit and asked me what quilty thing I was working on just then so I showed her my disappearing 9 patch - she asked how it was made and when I finished my explanation she said "silly you". I had a good laugh at that - no doubt a non-sewer/quilter would think the method was a waste of time.

  6. No it's not just you. I have already had to rip a few out. It's a juggling act making sure you pick up the right block and assemble in the proper way. Do you think it's possible to make a complete quilt top without having to do some ripping?

  7. I haven't tried this pattern yet but want to. Using 6" blocks is a great idea, I might try that. Thanks.


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