Friday, January 13, 2017

Play Day

I had the day off so I spent most of it with Anne showing her how to put together the Christmas star table toppers that I made for the Holly Bazaar.

I had a pile of 3.5"  and 2" white blocks left over so she started with that, laying them out to get the colour distribution that she wanted. The first one that I made a couple of years ago took me forever because I only did one star block at a time and then figured out the rest of the colour placements as I went. Live and learn.

Once the layout was set she got busy sewing the start points.

She sewed and I pressed and trimmed and before long we had rows to be assembled into blocks.

Ta da! Her first topper. She's tickled with it and I'd say it's an excellent first effort. It was the first piece to adorn her new design wall and it will stay there as she ponders how to quilt it....M


  1. It's fun to have a friend over to play. That's a great idea to lay out all if the backgrounds first. I can see where that would save tons of time.


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