Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Clean-up in Aisle Five

A clean-up of my cutting table was in order if there's any sewing to be done on my machine this year, so I took the plunge. Turns out that much of what was at the bottom of the pile were red, cream and green scraps. Since I don't have a quilt that I'm piecing by machine right now the time was right to trim those scraps into strips and squares rather than just shuffle them out of sight and into a storage bin.

So I cut as much as I could into 1.5" strips and squares and then started sewing little white/gold and red four-patches.

Most of the strips were on the short side so I'd find a relatively long strip in one colour and just keep feeding different sized strips of the second colour on top til I had a string that I could trim into 1.5" lengths.

Anything that was the wrong size or the wrong colour (green) ended up on a new pile...

simultaneously becoming a pile of Christmassy crumb blocks, roughly 5" square; they still need to be trimmed.

I've worked my way through all of the cream bits on the table so my cream scrap bin came out and I found more to play with; then I did the same with the red bin. I've also found a red jelly roll that I bought years ago on eBay so it will eventually kick in to support the cause.

It would have been easy just to take all of those scraps and pitch them and make a clean start but then I wouldn't have a lovely little pile of 70 four-patches, with the promise of more to come, would I? They will finish off at 2" square. Its a relaxing way to spend time at the machine and a fun way to get to the bottom of some of those scrap baskets....M


  1. I too am making crumb blocks out of little snippets. It's so much fun to see a piece come out of almost nothing. I love your colour combo. Do you have a plan for yours? ;^)

  2. I really need to do that, my cutting table is a shambles at the moment! What is the smallest size scrap you consider for your crumb blocks?

  3. Crumb sewing is the BEST! I love using every teeny weeny little piece....and the made fabric from them is always different and fun! I love your blocks....maybe something for Christmas next year!

  4. love how you have made a 'cake out of crumbs' lol
    so admire you not wasting those tiny pieces.
    Wonder what I will find in my 'piling system' must have a clean out soon!

  5. With all your baking skills, you took those crumbed and created something yummy.

  6. Marie, thank you for sharing that Canadian logo paper piecing pattern. I hope to try it. Meanwhile I loved this post. You have beautiful scraps and now they will make a beautiful project. I love all your projects. Hasn't our weather been crazy!

  7. Much better to use those scraps up I say - but then I would wouldn't I? Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!


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