Friday, January 06, 2017

The Stars Come Out

Betty and I had a good laugh when we went digging in my sewing room for a piece of blue to finish off a quilt/duvet cover that she is sewing for my favourite nephew (sorry, I wasn't smart enough to get a pic for you) because it is such a disaster zone. At least it was. Piles are gradually being returned to shelves and surprises are revealing themselves in the process.

Last November, in a fit of 'lets-just-do-one-more-thing-for-the-Holly-Bazaar-even-though-I-have-no-time' I made a batch of 6" stars thinking that they would become potholders. Well, I found them in a pile in the sewing room, so that clearly didn't happen.

They have found a temporary home on the design wall until I decide what to do with them. Maybe I'll get a head start on my bazaar sewing for this year and make them up right away, or maybe they are the start of something else - they would make a nice round in a medallion quilt. Who knows, but it was a nice surprise to find them in my 'piling system'....M


  1. this is the star pattern I am using for my scrappy stars but made 16 patch in the middle - nice pattern isn't it.

  2. Marie, I love the things you do with this pattern. It's nice to have a headstart on bazaar sewing or whatever you plan to make with these. Wishing you a sunny weekend.

  3. The stars are shining brightly in your sewing room. Lots of possibilities of how to use them.


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