Sunday, January 15, 2017

Empty Hoop Syndrome

My hoop has been empty for quite some time, sitting quietly in the corner just waiting for a new quilt to be loaded.

Late last fall I had Roberta baste my Candied Hexagons and it too has been waiting patiently for a date with the hoop, but I just wasn't prepared to get that going over the holidays - too much on the go.

But today's the day. After a great walk in the snow I've now loaded it and I'm ready for a little playoff football and a little hand stitching. These lines of stitching are the basting - I still have to figure out how I'm going to quilt it......M


  1. That's the question that usually stale me on a project; how to quilt it! Hope the night will bring you inspiration. Good luck ;^)

  2. You and I are thinking alike. I just put my big quilting project in my hoop tonight as well. Happy quilting!

  3. OH that hoop was looking very sad and will be so happy to have a quilt in it today!
    Thanks for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

  4. A new year and a new hand quilting project...perfect timing!

  5. Lovely quilting project...enjoy!
    Love your stars in your previous post too.

  6. It's good to have a new quilt waiting in the hoop! Lots of potential!


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