Thursday, January 19, 2017

A Little More Play Day

Before finishing up our play day last week Anne and I took a stab at trying a new block - the Disappearing Four Patch. They are fast and easy and would make up into a quick baby or child's quilt. Here's a quick tutorial if you would like to give them a try.

We sewed a four patch block using two white and two blue print 5" squares.

Once it's pressed, cut 1.5" on either side of the centre seamline both vertically and horizontally (the instructions said 1" but we went a bit chunkier).

Switch up the centre strip pieces moving them left to right and top to bottom and sew that together.

And before you know it you have an 8" block. When I left Anne her design wall looked like this...

but she's been cutting and sewing since then and has a few more added to the mix. She says it takes about 10 minutes per block which isn't bad at all.

I like the plaid effect that you get and am contemplating cutting one myself, possibly starting with a 6" block and making my centre seam cuts 1" and see what that looks like. So many possibilities!....M


  1. What a great block, very effective.

  2. I love these blocks! I'm always looking for quick blocks for charity quilts, this will do it! I have plenty of 5" squares on hand, I cut leftover fabric into 5" squares.

  3. Those disappearing types are blocks are fun to experiment with and would make a quick and delightful kids quilt with the right fabrics. I need to keep that in mind. Have fun.


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