Friday, August 05, 2016

And Then There Were Three

Blue Heron is the name of Jane's cottage and last weekend it was home to a long standing re-union of Jane, Betty (Steve) and Ed (Sandy) who worked together in an Ottawa ad agency years ago. It's a long standing tradition and a testament to love and laughter and friendship.

Amid all of the silliness a few years ago some of the quilting bug rubbed off onto Sandy and she hasn't looked back, and here are the three amigos cuddled under her first quilt, Friendship Album. Quite appropriate, I'd say.

Isn't it gorgeous? I just love the scale of the blocks - somehow it says Scandinavian to me, but that could just be me. That's the lovely and talented Sandy in the middle.

It's hand stitched from start to finish and hand quilted as well. Ed is a scuba diver so she found this fun fish fabric to back it with. Apparently it was very stiff, even after washing, but it is perfect, and, as she says, "Even though this backing was so stiff to quilt, I don't think I could have resisted the fabric. I love it!"

Sandy might be a quilting newbie but she's fast becoming a quilt commando. She's working on a king sized quilt called Ed's Underwater World which was inspired by some sea creature fabric Ed found (Ed is the mystery guest on the left...), also hand stitched. Doesn't it just look like the shimmering sea? Look closely and you will see turtles, seahorses, octopuses and anchors.

And here's the lovely and talented Ed modelling the border that has yet to be attached. This one's a biggie so she's not sure this one will get quilted on a hoop.

And that's not all! There's a third quilt in the works but I think I'll save that for another post along with some updates from Betty and Jane. Nothing like a little teaser, is there? .....M


  1. Both are really beautiful quilts.

  2. Sandy's hooked. Beautiful quilts.

  3. Great quilts from Sandy! I sure love the blues in the second one.


Thanks so much for stopping in - I look forward to reading your comments.