Monday, August 08, 2016

Summer Reunion Part Two

I promised to update you with the third quilt that Sandy is working on but just had to share this pic of Jane first. How is that for concentration?! She's sewing the label onto the quilt she's made for her nephew Eugene for his 40th birthday.

Eugene recently lost everything in a house fire so this is a start at helping make his new home warm and welcoming. Jane hand stitched it and then her niece Sheila (Eugene's sister) hand quilted it. A gift of love from start to finish.

Gorgeous plaids and paisleys come together in a simple pattern with an end result that is just stunning. And how about that backing? Could it be any more perfect?

Betty continues to work on her beautiful muted star quilt - it looks to me like the border with the stars and large floral print is on now. We'll have to see what the next round will bring.

And this is Betty laying out Sandy's third quilt (see my last post if you missed the first two). The pattern is Tilted Spools but she calls it Crazy For Red because that's the name of the Moda reds in it and she loves the name. Sound good to me.

It was her first attempt at sewing a quilt by machine and it was quite a learning experience - not very relaxing as her machine had a mind of it's own sometimes (not to mention that she had to get the manual out every time a bobbin needed thread, but it sound like she's pretty good at it now!) :) and she found that it wasn't as exact as she can be stitching by hand. Beautiful.
She's hand quilting it and it's going quickly; the backing is much softer on this one than the first one she quilted - lesson learned. Sandy is meticulous, including the attention to detail in her basting - Betty and Jane were in awe, and rightly so.....M


  1. You have had a fabulous reunion of friendship and quilts.

  2. What beautiful quilts!
    Love Eugene's quilt it's amazing


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