Monday, August 01, 2016

Another Walk In The Garden

Things came to a bit of standstill with Danuta's Garden when I realized (again) that I cannot count as well as I thought I could. Turns out that many of the long four patch sashing strips were only 27 blocks long and not 29 (think I was in anxious to start sewing everything together???). Ugh. So, given all of the summer vacation and running around that's been happening of late, it sat draped over a chair, waiting.

First it was time to make more four patches.

Then yesterday I added them to the strips that were missing them, trimmed a strip and got it pinned into place, so now I'm back in the saddle.

It's a holiday for us today so a nice day to sit and stitch. I'm hoping to get this sashing attached and, with any luck at all, another row of blocks too. It's amazing how the littlest things can make your progress grind to a halt, isn't it? But if it stares at me long enough I usually pick it up. :) ....M


  1. Sounds like you have overcome that little hurdle and are back into it.
    Such pretty blocks joining the others.
    Happy holiday

  2. Those things can just stop you right in your tracks, but you persevered and got it done. Way to go!


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