Sunday, June 12, 2016

Rhubarb Buttermilk Cake

I've spent the day aiming for my stitching but seem to have been continually intercepted by other chores that need doing, none the least of which was trying a new Rhubarb Buttermilk Cake recipe. Really, it had me at 'buttermilk'.

I love the texture and the moisture that you get from buttermilk and the rhubarb was ready so there was nothing left to do but make it. The only change I made was to add about 3/4 of a cup more rhubarb so that it is nice and fruity. The Official Cookie Tester enjoyed his with a dollop of ice cream but I opted for having it straight up because it was still warm from the oven. De-lish. I had made a different recipe about two weeks ago but I think this one goes to the top of the list.

So, about that stitching. The only thing that I managed to do on that front was press a handful of tiny four patches. Hopefully I'll find an hour this evening to sew them into another sashing strip...M


  1. Looks scrumptious. Chores have a habit of interfering!

  2. I Love rhubarb cake. Yum!

  3. You're making me hungry...I've never had rhubarb cake! Looks delish! Those are perfectly pressed 4-patches!

  4. I picked a few stalks this evening and was contemplating what to bake - thank you for taking the pain out of the decision, mmm...cake! Those little four patches are so sweet - and a bit of pressing was more than I managed today :)

  5. Thanks for sharing this recipe, Marie! We had friends for dinner last night, and everyone loved it. Good thing I made 2 pans! 😃


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